Apr 8, 2009

Seat recline

Some aircrafts, like older Boeings,  sometimes come with emergency exit seats that don’t recline, even if the seatback would not get in the way. A 10mm wrench (make sure to get a short one, due to Airport security restrictions) resolves that problem. As with the lavatories, make sure you leave your seat like you found it would like to find it.

Apr 7, 2009

I have been accepted into the InSane AsyLum

I am very happy to announce that I have found a new home in the InSane AsyLum (#1444) and am now officially affiliated with the Marathon Maniacs.

Apr 5, 2009

I'm back (For real this time)

Event Stats:
Name Maraton de Santiago
Date 04/05/2009
Location Santiago, Chile
Event Marathon
Finish Time 04:19:05

Runde 4

  Project Andi