Event Stats:
Name Marathon De Senart
Date 05/01/2009
Location Tigery to Combs La Ville,France
Event Marathon
Finish Time 04:40:43
French regulations require me to have have a (French,are there any others?) medical doctor to attest my fitness to participate in a marathon,which I am told on race morning. Loud aggressive shouting and threats of physical violence towards the race organizers gets me an exception to the rule.
Some advise to CarreFour,the main sponsor:Only because a drink has about 25kcal/100ml doesn’t make it a sports drink,you stupid fracks. Your stuff had exact 0 salts. Did anyone wonder why there were so many people cramping?
The race itself is great,about 20 miles outside of Paris,through fields and small village,lots of friendly folks.
Event Stats: Name Maraton de Santiago Date 04/05/2009 Location Santiago, Chile Event Marathon Finish Time 04:19:05
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A rather big one for change. The recipe calls for 18 parts to prepare. It is, however, not overly complex or complicated to prepare. And it ...